Cycle 7, Episodes 1 & 2: “The Girl Who Marks Her Territory”
Can you believe we’re on Cycle 7? I’m very proud of my little Substack baby. I can’t believe I started it at the beginning of 2021 when the world was in a different place. Who’s to say if it’s better or worse now?
Life’s been busy for me lately. I’m training for an Ironman. I went to Bosnia for a work trip. I finished going to all 50 states! I survived potentially getting called for a grand jury. But I’m managing.
ANTM Cycle 7 premiered in 2006. That year, “Borat” premiered, Saddam Hussein was killed and Britney Spears and Kevin Federline divorced.
We start out again with casting in LA where 33 hopefuls arrive!
Jaeda’s the first contestant we meet and I’m excited because I know what her makeover will be.
Becky says she wants it more than anyone else. That means she’s going to be eliminated early.
Evita aspires to be a model, but she has two kids back at home AND their dad is in Iraq…